15.40 mt
Barche a Vela
11 Posti letto
5 Cabine
3 WC
220 V Plug, Alarm and Hours Counter, Autopilot and Log, Bath stairs, Boathook, Boson`s chair, Bucket, Cockpit table, Compass, Deck brush, Deck shower, Dinghy + Oars, Dinghy pump, Emergency tiller, Fenders, Gas bottles, Life buoy + Light, Life raft, Manual bilge pump, Mooring + Cable tug, Revolution counter, Roll genoa, Sounder, Steering wheel, Water hose, Wind instruments, Echo, Blankets, Boat certificates, Bottle opener, Bowls, Bread knives, Brush-Picker, Can opener, Coffee pot, Cups, Cutting board, Diesel-water tank key, Disconnect battery, Distress flares, Dividers, Electric anchor winch, Electric torch, Fire extinguisher, First aid kit, Fog horn, Frying pan, Gas stove, Glasses, Gloves, GPS/Plotter, Hot water, Jerry-candy Diesel, Kettles, Knives, forks & spoons, Ladlde & spoon, Lamps, Life belts, Life jackets, Light boom, Navigation licence, Navigation lights, Pencil,rubber&sharpener, Pillows, Pilot book , Plates, Protractor, Radar reflector, Radio cassette/CD, Radio VHF, Refrigerator, Ruler 40cm, Sea charts, Sea water foot pump, Strain, Teapot, Thermos, Tool box, Winch handle, In-Mast Furling
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