Contatta un nostro esperto: +39 348 0801953
Dufour 425 Grand Large / 2007
A partire da :
2.500 € / week

12.90 mt

Barche a Vela

6 Posti letto

3 Cabine

2 WC


Sant Antoni de Portmany Port - Ibiza - Sant Antoni de Portmany (ES)


220 V. electrical connector, Area navigation charts, Autopilot, Barometer, Battery disconnector, Binoculars, Cleaning brushes and hose, Cofee and Tea maker, Conveyor, compass, pen, electric refrigerator, Dinghy with outbord engine, Electric and manual bilge pump, Emergency rudder, EPIRB, Fire extinguishers, First aid kit, Fixed radio station with distress, Full kitchenware, Furniture for storing, Gas bottles, Gas oven, Genoa with lazy bag, Gloves, Kitchen with gas hob, Lanterns, Life buoy with light, Life raft, Life vest, Low battery acoustic charger, Main anchor electric windlass, Navigation lights, Noise warning light fog, Outdoor gas hob, Portable radio transmitter, Portable vacuum cleaner, Radio CD with USB, Rev counter, Roll genoa, Rubber, Rudder wheel, Safety harness, Sink with hot and cold water, Toolbox, VHF-GPS chartplotter, Wind, probe and slide equipment


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Scheda tecnica

  • ModelloDufour 425 Grand Large
  • TipologiaSail boat
  • BaseSant Antoni de Portmany Port
  • Anno2007
  • Cabine3
  • Bagni2
  • Posti Letto6
  • yacht Length12.90 mt
  • Capacità Acqua350.00 lt
  • Capacità Carburante200.00 lt

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